Gym membership ID
and access control
in the cloud
Keep Cool case study
Mobile Gym access control and front desk check-in
Keep Cool were the first gym chain in Europe to adopt contactless mobile wallet technology for their membership IDs. They replaced plastic RFID membership cards to enable simple and secure access to over 300 sites in France, Belgium and beyond. Keep Cool’s growth is powered by their technology-focused model and supported by their cloud-based member management system and mobile app, both of which have been developed in-house. In addition, Dot Origin’s EdgeConnector access control system is directly connected to the membership system, enabling customers to gain access to any club in the Keep Cool network with a simple tap of their phone, without needing data synchronisation.
Working closely with Dot Origin, Keep Cool carefully tested and then deployed VTAP NFC readers to all their locations – at the front doors, the turnstile entry gates, and the front desk PCs and Macs. By ensuring that the old RFID cards continued to be read, and that the data sent to the access control system was in the right format, a simple and smooth transition to NFC Wallet was achieved. At the front desk, a Dot Origin software agent directs tap data to browser scripts, improving reliability over simple keyboard emulation.
The first gym chain in Europe with NFC mobile wallet membership IDs



app adoption in 6 months

conversion to NFC Wallet
Fouad Hassani, Chief Digital Officer & CIO of Keep Cool, says
“VTAP100 readers have been the perfect upgrade to our membership management system, delivering frictionless mobile access and check-in, with Dot Origin providing careful guidance and expert support throughout!”